Usa il cervello, cambia la tua mente
Use your brain, change your mind
The human brain works in mysterious ways especially for what concerns learning a new language. Although it is said that we learn from our mistakes, when it comes to thinking, behavioral patterns, decision making, we actually repeat the same mistakes, such as being late for appointments, judging people based on first impressions, or speaking a foreign language using the same blueprint as our native language.
The reason can be found in the way our brain processes information and creates shortcuts that we refer to again and again. Besides, our brain is lazy and does not make the effort to change these shortcuts and so we are more likely to fall back on the same pattern of behavior and actions, even when we are conscious of repeating our mistakes.
Science has found that we have a mental ability that can bypass these shortcuts, known as “Cognitive Control” or self-correction, which occurs only if we feel comfortable (not discouraged or depressed) with making mistakes.
Our tip to all language students out there is not to feel down if you get something wrong, but embrace your mistakes and self-correct them.
Here are some of the most common mistakes Italian students make in English. So, sit back, relax and find yours… you have the power to change them!
I am arrived – I’m here
Sorry for my delay – Sorry I am late
I’m agree – I agree
It depends from… – It depends on…
A: How are you? B: So, So – Not too bad
Lose the bus – Miss the bus
Listen the music – Listen to music
A: Have a good weekend B: Also to you – You too
We see tomorrow – See you tomorrow
Yesterday night – Last night
Go to home – Go home
I haven’t problem – I have no problem
I ask to Mary – I’ll ask Mary
A: Thank you B: Nothing – Not at all
I have a doubt – I’m not sure
A: Who is it? B: I am Luca – It’s Luca
I ask me – I wonder
All the day – The whole day
I do gym – I work out
A: I’m sorry! B:Nothing – That’s OK
Sorry if I disturb you – Sorry to bother you
Do a mistake – Make a mistake